June 23, 2007

OK Gang, remember which end of the plug is the male and which end is the female? Remember how to lay the cables so we confuse the"humitrons?" Still got a crescent wrench? Just to give you a chance to bring all those memories back, we need your help once again. We have pieced together enough equipment but we have no labor to set the stage for the evening's festivities on Saturday night. Soooo, after the little tech's lunch at 11:30 am at DAVE'S FAMOUS BBQ (address on website) we need to pull together one more time to set the audio, lighting and stage in the Ballroom. Heck, we hope to even have a followspot for Gail to run! It will be great to see you all!!

- Kit

May 21, 2007

To all New Virginians and especially techs: I am aware a number of techs are NOT on our alumni list so any help you give by adding names and possible contact information will be very appreciated. If you can take a moment to help me contact former members please email me. You can contact me directly at CKB007@aol.com. I am looking forward to a fun weekend and seeing you all! Just think of the war stories we can tell...or make up!

- Kit


questions? comments? email reunion@newvirginians.org